COVID-19 Public Notices

This section contains all Public Notices on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) for Samoa.

O le vaega lenei o lo’o fa’amauina ai fa’asilasilaga, e fa’atatau i le Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The public is respectfully informed that vaccinations will be administered at the following vaccination sites on Thursday from 9am – 1pm. FIXED SITES:- All District Hospitals including Tuasivi Hospital – EPI Building at Moto’otua (Blue Building opposite Seb and Rene Store) – Health Credentialing Centre at Moto’otua (opposite the National Kidney Foundation) REMEMBER to have […]

As stipulated in the State of Emergency Order 63 issued on Monday, 24th January 2022, the Public is hereby advised that all services are now closed or postponed, except for essential services and emergency responses until Thursday 27th January 2022 from 8.00am to 2.00pm. For more information and clarification, please contact the National Emergency Operation […]

In view of the current State of Emergency proclamation and subsequent lockdown extension to Thursday 27th January 2022, we wish to advise all our customers who have yet to renew their respective licenses for 2022 as to operate their business activities for Inland Revenue and Customs purposes, that time extension of two weeks to 11th […]

The public is respectfully advised that all Shops, Super-markets, markets, banks, money transfer institutions, pharmacies, gas stations and Electric Power Corporation Cash Power outlet will be open from 8.00am to 2.00pm on Tuesday 25th of January and Thursday 27th of January 2022 to allow the country to replenish supplies for the rest of the lockdown […]

All vehicle requests by essential businesses must be submitted by the employer. Business License List of all employees that will be working. List of employees must include: Name of the employee. Village. Employee shift schedule Vaccination card (Only fully vaccinated employees and employers will be issued passes and ID) Vehicles Passes will only be issued […]

E tusa ai ma aiaiga o le Poloa’iga o Fa’alavelave Tutupu Fa’afuase’i mo le Koviti – 19, mo le tapunia atoa o le atunu’u lautele, o lea e toe FA’AMANATU atu ai, e tapunia aoga uma taeao i le Aso Gafua 24 Ianuari 2022. E tāua lo tatou galulue fa’atasi ina ia tatou maua se […]