Press Releases

Samoa through the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries initiated the Community-based fisheries management program (CBFMP) in 1995 under the assistant from Australian Aid program (AusAID) at the time. After 5 year of AusAID assistance, MAF continues to implement CBFMP with modifications and adaptation of co-management systems that suits from time to time. The CBFMP is […]

Apia, Samoa – The village of Falease’ela-Uta celebrated the successful installation of five home biogas systems this week, funded by the Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme (GEF-SGP) and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Technical assistance was provided by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, as well as inputs by Pacific Grow […]

Apia, 28 March 2023 – Mandated under s.40 of the Ombudsman Act 2013, the Ombudsman is to report to Parliament every year in June on the status of the promotion and the protection of human rights in Samoa. The report contains recommendations informed by submissions from members of the public and various groups and organisations […]

25 March 2022: On invitation by Australia’s Prime Minister the Hon Anthony Albanese MP, Samoa’s Prime Minister, the Honourable Fiame Naomi Mata’afa, visited Australia from 20-25 March 2023. The visit was an opportunity to elevate the Samoa-Australia partnership, and for Australians to hear valuable insights on our shared region from Samoa’s perspective. During her visit, […]

(GOVERNMENT PRESS SECRETARIAT): Cabinet has approved the appointment of Tuitoga Christina Angela Te’o Faitele as the Samoa Public Trustee for the next three (3) years. Tuitoga will take over the reins from afioga Leaupepe Peleseuma Mata’utia F.S. Ropati who has served in the position for 18 years. Tuitoga was the most highly recommended applicant by […]

—————————————————————————– The Ambassador of the Republic of Austria  to Samoa, His Excellency, Mr. Wolfgang Lukas Strohmayer presented his Letter of Credence to the Head of State, Afioga Tuimalealiifano Vaaletoa Sualauvi II, at the credential ceremony held at the Residence of the Head of State at Vailele, on 23 March 2023 this afternoon. During the Ceremonial […]

APIA, SAMOA (22 March 2023)—Samoa’s prioritization of state-owned enterprise (SOE) reform over the past 8 years has provided a platform for more efficient service delivery, according to a new Asian Development Bank (ADB) report. Finding Balance 2023: Benchmarking Performance and Building Climate Resilience in Pacific State-Owned Enterprises compares the performance of SOEs in nine Pacific island […]