Press Releases

With a diplomatic relationship spanning half a century, Australia and Samoa share many things – among them a passion for rugby, strong personal connections, and shared priorities and challenges as members of the Pacific family. Those priorities include planning and preparations to ensure Samoa is well equipped for the upcoming high risk weather season. The […]

This month marks the second anniversary of when the Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations Plus (PACER Plus) entered into force. PACER Plus is a regional development-centered trade agreement designed to support Pacific Island countries to become more active partners in, and benefit from, regional and global trade. Ten Pacific Island Forum countries ratified and […]

FA’AIU LE TASUAGA FAIGALUEGA A LE UTOS I LE FA’ALAUILOAINA O NI AUAUNAGA FOU MO SUI FAIIUNITE A’o alo atu le tatou atunuu i lenei vaitau fiafia o le tausaga, e fa’alauiloa atu ma le agaga fiafia e le Fa’aputugātupe Teufa’afaigaluega o Mavaega Tausi o Samoa, nisi o auaunaga fou ua maea tapenaina mo ona […]

Current economic performance: According to the latest National Accounts data from the Samoa Bureau of Statistics, total goods and services produced (called Gross Domestic Product or GDP) in the year up to June 2022 (fiscal year 2021/2022) amounted to around SAT$1.85 billion (real GDP), which was 6.0 percent lower than the twelve months to June […]

The University of the South Pacific (USP) continues to maintain its uniqueness as the focal point of cross-cultural learning in the region, recognising each member countries’ unique cultural practices and traditions that can offer solutions to modern day predicaments. With numerous challenges facing the Pacific in the 21st century, USP began mapping out ideas and […]

(GOVERNMENT PRESS SECRETARIAT): Cabinet confirmed the appointment of Tuiafelolo Alexander John Stanley as new Electoral Commissioner of the Office of the Electoral Commission. For 30 plus years, Tuiafelolo has served in various capacities in the areas of the Public Service Commission (PSC), National Health Services, the Labor Department, and currently at the Electric Power Corporation […]

A new accredited Biofuel Laboratory at The University of the South Pacific (USP) in Suva will boost Fiji and the region’s energy sector.  The laboratory which is situated with the Institute of Applied Sciences at USP’s lower campus is fully operational, thanks to the strong partnership and collaboration between the Fijian Government and the institution […]