Prime Minister’s Speeches

Good evening Samoa. Our country, through the Ministry of Health continues to proactively respond and lead measures to counter the spread of COVID 19 in the community. The Ministry of Health confirmed from its latest report, that from the 10th to the 12th of May, 358 new community cases were identified, taking the total number […]

Ua faailo le matagofie ma le tafa felofelo o si’ulagi, ma le lanulauava o ulufanua o le atunuu, ina ua tatou aulia mai le amataga o lenei masina fou. O le lona lima lenei o masina o la tatou folauga i lenei tausaga. Faamalo le folau, ma le soifua laulelei i le paia o le […]

Samoa remains at Alert Level Two (orange) for another two (2) weeks with amendments; (Monday 02nd May 2022) Good evening Samoa, It has been seven weeks since the detection of our first community case transmission on March 17th 2022. The latest figures from the Ministry of Health confirm that our total number of positive cases […]

Ua fa’apōpō ni aso ua ao aso folau e lē tuua, ua mae’a ona tatou si’i taulaga i le tatou Atua e sula lona alofa ma lona agalelei, ua uma fo’i ona paepae mulifanua ua potopoto moli i le futi afu e tasi i lenei taeao. E manatu e pi’iama pea i le fa’afetai i […]

Good evening Samoa, Our latest COVID 19 update yesterday confirmed 182 new community cases, taking the number of active community cases to 1,239.  97% percent of these cases are based in Upolu and 3%  in Savaii. Currently there are no cases in our Intensive Care Unit. Most of the cases that were isolated in isolation […]

Ou te faapa’i malu atu i le faafofoga maimoa mai a si o tatou atunuu i lenei afiafi. E iai le talitonuga, o loo malutia pea lo outou soifua i le tausiga mamana a le Atua, o loo fola ai pea i fatu lē gae’e, la tatou savaliga, e ui i le faigata ua iai […]

Good evening Samoa. This evening Cabinet was advised of a confirmed community case after an individual was tested positive of COVID 19. This individual undertook a test this afternoon as a prerequisite for departure from Samoa and the result came back positive. The Ministry of Health commenced their contact tracing this evening, focusing on all […]