Prime Minister’s Speeches

Lau Susuga i le Taitai o le Sauniga – Lau Susuga Siaosi Salesulu Lau Afioga i le Ao Mamalu o le Malo ma lau Masiofo Lau Afioga i le Sui o le Fono a Sui Tofia Afifio Minisita o le Kapeneta Lau afioga i le Faamasino Sili Lau afioga i le Fofoga Fetalai o le […]

Thank you Moderator, Honourable Ministers Director General of SPREP Distinguished Delegates (The Ocean) The abundance of our ocean and its resources is an imperative to protect, not just for the enjoyment of future generations, but for the well-being, prosperity and resilience of the present generation. Coastal and marine ecosystems provide food, livelihoods, and coastal protection […]

Susuga i le taitai o le Sauniga, Rev. Mariota Siaea Afifio Minisita o le Kapeneta, Sui o Malo mai Fafo, Faauluuluga o Matagaluega ma Faalapotopotoga a le Malo, ma Pisinisi Tumaoti, Samoa ua potopoto. O le a lelepa ia faavaa tiu o a’au loloa paia ma sa le avea o Samoa seia pai’a ona tuaoi. […]

Reverend Elder Mariota Siaea; Ministers of Cabinet; Members of the Diplomatic Corp; Heads of Government Ministries, Corporations and the Business Community; Ladies and Gentlemen. Today I am pleased to officially launch Samoa’s very own Covid-19 contact tracing platform, a joint initiative between the Ministry of Health and Samoa Tourism Authority. Since the start of the […]

SAUNOAGA A LE AFIOGA I LE PALEMIA, FIAME NAOMI MATAAFA E FA’AILOA AI NISI O MATĀ’UPU UA FA’AI’UGAFONOINA E LE KAPENETA I LANA FONOTAGA Aso Lulu, 01 o Setema 2021;  (OFISA SO’OUPU); E faatalofa atu Samoa i ou tulaga faalupe mai le tatou faasalalauga masani i vaiaso taitasi i le maea mai ai o le […]

(The following is the transcript from Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mataafa’s Press Conference this week.)   Good afternoon, Talofa.  Once again this is becoming our regular public statements on the workings of Cabinet and some of the activities of Government in the past week, or current issues that have risen.  DRAFT BUDGET 2021-2022 Cabinet received yesterday […]

(Taumeasina Island Resort: Monday 30 August 2021) Heads of State and Government Honourable Ministers Ms. Xiangjun Yao, FAO Sub-Regional Coordinator for the Pacific, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen, I congratulate FAO for this Forum especially the SIDS Solution Platform launched this morning. I believe that our gathering this week and the SIDS specific solutions this […]

Sunday 29th August 2021; Reverend Mariota Siaea, Your Highness the Head of State Afioga Tuimaleali’ifano Va’aleto’a Sualauvi II and Masiofo, Hon Member of the Council of Deputies and Masiofo, Ministers of Cabinet, Members of the Diplomatic Corp, Church Leaders and members of the National Council of Churches, Heads of Government Ministries, Corporations and the Business […]