Prime Minister’s Speeches

Remarks by Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi Honorable Prime Minister of Samoa at the Security Council Open Debate on “Peace and Security challenges facing Small Island Developing States 30 July 2015, Security Council Chamber, UN Headquarters, New York.   Mr President of the Security Council, Mr Secretary-General Members of the Security Council, Heads of State and Government, […]

The Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Susuga Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, delivered the 2015/2016 Budget Address in Parliament yesterday, 26 May 2015.  The English and Samoan versions are copied below. 2015/16 BUDGET ADDRESS “Living within our means”   Mr. Speaker As required under Standing Order 124, it is with great pleasure that I present on […]

Samoa calls upon those member states of our organization in position of world leadership to lead the charge and do what needs to be implemented quickly, and decisively so that Paris can deliver on an ambitious Climate Change Agreement that is effective, binding, capable of swift implementation and universally owned and respected by the 193 UN member states.