Savali Newspaper

The Savali Newspaper is the Government of Samoa newspaper, and is one half of the Press & Communications Division under the Ministry of the Prime Minister & Cabinet.

Established in 1904, Savali is the oldest periodical in Samoa.

The Savali offers two editions:
A weekly newspaper providing media coverage on Government developments and initiatives; and a monthly gazette covering Land and Titles Court decisions.
In this section, you will find the weekly bilingual newspaper that focuses on news coverage of government initiatives and new developments. News stories from the weekly paper are shared the Savali Social media page

The monthly “Savali Samoa” is dedicated to Land & Titles Court decisions and is available in print format only, from the Savali office at the FMFMII Government Building at Eleele Fou, Apia.

2022 INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMS DAY : 26th January 2022 The 26th of January every year is earmarked by all members of the World Customs Organization (WCO) for the Customs administrations around the world to commemorate as International Customs Day; a special day that is committed to celebrate the work and role of Customs administrations in the […]

In view of the current State of Emergency proclamation and subsequent lockdown extension to Thursday 27th January 2022, we wish to advise all our customers who have yet to renew their respective licenses for 2022 as to operate their business activities for Inland Revenue and Customs purposes, that time extension of two weeks to 11th […]